Deterministic Results

Deterministic results Deterministic results are those collected after running a deterministic simulation (i.e., simulating either the Plan project or the Econ model). Selecting the main Deterministic results Deterministic node you can see the simulation details: PetroVR version used, date and hour, execution time and forecast period settings (see General Tab).

When one of the sub-nodes is selected, the tabs on the right pane allow you to view the data in tabular format (Table tab) or as graphs (Graph tab).

They are classified in groups depending on the area of the project in which they are generated. Results obtained from the PetroVR Econ tool are placed under:

  • Economic results Economics: includes all PetroVR Econ calculations and inputs which have been marked for inclusion by right-clicking on the Tree View(or from the Edit Menu) in the Econ window. Unlike other results, economic results may be singles or arrays over time; singles will be placed on top of the Table tab, whereas the Graph tab will show only arrays. When this node is selected, a third, NPV Tab becomes available which allows you to analyze NPV sensitivity to discount rate.

The following results are obtained directly from the definition of the project in the main PetroVR Plan window:

  • Production results Production: shows cumulative production, developed production (i.e., cumulative expected production of all wells completed so far), total period production, average daily rate and date of first oil/gas for each fluid in the whole project, BOE (barrel of oil equivalent, applying the BOE conversion factor entered in the Preferences Tab), as well as fluid purchased by all the facilities. There are several possible sub-branches:
    • Reservoir Production results Reservoir Production: displays the same data as above for each separate reservoir.
    • Facility Production results Facility Production: shows cumulative production, total period production and average daily rate fluid for the total fluid processed by each facility, as well as purchased fluid; note that oil, gas and water production is gross production including components. Complementary, these same data can be displayed for components processed by that facility if so defined in the reservoir Fluid Composition pane (plus a report of percentage in each period), and also information on fluid blending for each facility if the option to Generate information on Fluid Blend is selected in each (see Facility Operation Options): Blended Gas BTU, Gas Density and Blended Oil Density.
    • User Well Group Production results User Well Group Production: shows cumulative production, total period production and average daily rate for each defined group; see User Groups.
Developed production does not indicate reserves actually produced at a given point of the simulation, but expected production. It changes every time a well is completed, adding all its reserves at once even though it has just started to produce. This concept is important for booking purposes because it reflects the fact that a decision to develop these reserves has been made.
  • Injection results Injection: shows cumulative injection, total period injection, average daily injection rate and GIPR/WIPR (injection over oil production rate) of gas and water in the whole project. Ratios are calculated based on the production of oil reservoirs, to which the Oil Yield from gas reservoirs (if any) is added (see Fluids Tab). There are three possible sub-branches:
    • Reservoir Injection results Reservoir Injection: displays the same data as above for each separate reservoir.
    • Facility Injection results Facility Injection: shows average daily rate of injected fluid per facility. If facilities have external fluid supply enabled (see Facility Operation Options), cumulative injection, total period injection and average daily injection rate of external source fluid per facility are also displayed.
    • User Well Group Injection results User Well Group Injection: shows cumulative injection, total period injection, average daily rate and WIPR/GIPR for each defined group; see User Groups.
  • Emission results Emissions: shows average daily emission rates per facility (one row per each fluid), as well as total emission per fluid. This only applies if Emission is defined in the facility General Tab (Facility).
  • Consumption results Consumptions: shows average daily consumption rates per facility (one row per each fluid), as well as total consumption per fluid. Consumption of electricity and of any components defined for any of the consumed fluids is included in separate rows. This only applies if Consumption is defined in the facility General Tab (Facility).
  • Blend Fluid results Blend Fluids: shows blended gas BTU, gas density and oil density (= API gravity) of each blended facility output, plus total values. This only applies if the option to Generate Blend Fluids information in reports is checked (see Facility Operation Options).
In blended fluid calculations, oil, gas and water production is gross production including components.
  • Drilling results Drilling: shows total number of wells (producers, injection, appraisal, exploration and dry holes) drilled, (re)completed, put on-line and abandoned per period, as well as other activities performed on wells: ESP installation, gas lift installation, and WI conversion. A breakdown of wells drilled, (re)completed etc. by User Groups is also provided. Sub-nodes contain:
    • Drilling results Reservoir Drilling: same as above, classified by reservoir.
    • Drilling results Rig Type Drilling: all well drillings, completions and WI conversion classified by rig type that performed them.
Wells that are still active at the end of the simulation span do not count as abandoned in the results for the last period. See Abandonment.
  • Reserves Booking results Reserves Booking: comprises one Reserves Booking results main node summarizing all reserves booked; these are broken down in total gas / oil reserves booked per period. (See Reserves Booking tab.) The main node comprises one Reserves Booking results node node for each title under which reserves have been booked, where total gas / oil reserves booked under that title are displayed. In turn, each title node comprises two sub-nodes:
    • Facility Reserves Booking results Facility: total gas / oil reserves booked under that title per facility.
    • Reservoir Reserves Booking results Reservoir: total gas / oil reserves booked under that title per reservoir.
  • Resources results Resources: breaks down resource usage per type (durable and consumable) and individually per resource. Durable resources include Total: Acquisitions, Total: Daily Utilization (average: total used during the period divided by number of days in period) and Total: Max Daily Utilization. Consumable resources include Total: Consumption, Total: Daily Consumption (average: total consumed during the period divided by number of days in period) and Total: Max Daily Consumption per period for each resource used in the project. It also contains:
    • One Resources results node for each separate resource, where total values are displayed together with a breakdown of each resource's usage per job using it. See Resources and Resources Catalog.
    • One Rig results node with a joint report of all rigs defined in the project, detailing Daily Utilization, Max Daily Utilization and Mobilizations.
  • OpEx results OpEx: shows total operating expenses per period for:
    • Total: Whole project OpEx per object type: facilities, fluids, rigs, resources, total and wells. For durable resources, a breakdown of Reallocation Cost and OpEx is available. For wells, abandonment OpEx and OpEx per fluid are also available.
    • Facility: OpEx per individual facility and per processed fluid.
    • Well group: User-defined well groups.
    • Well.
    • Cost category.
  • CapEx results Cap Ex: shows first the Escalation factor for each period defined in the Depreciation window; if no depreciation has been defined, this will appear as a single. Then total capital expenses are displayed per period for all Cost Categories. CapEx related to the usage of durable Resources is also displayed here. Finally, Total Escalated CapEx and Total CapEx without escalation are given in the last rows.

Finally, Depreciation of model objects is displayed under:

  • Depreciation results Depreciations: shows intangible and tangible depreciation per period for all depreciation pools defined in the project; each pool in turn has a breakdown of all Cost Categories added to it.